Portrait Magazine:
Would you care to introduce yourself?

Billy: Sure! My name is Billy Gilman and I'm an 18 year old singer.

Portrait Magazine: What got you into singing?

Billy: My family said I "came out" singing so nothing really got me into it, I think It was born in me. But at 3 years old I knew that I had a voice different from others in the fact that I could hold notes and learn lyrics.

Portrait Magazine: How did you pick what genre to sing in?

Billy: Country Music was always around me from birth. So it just seemed natural do sing something that came natural at that time.

Portrait Magazine: Best moments in your career?

Billy: Winning the American Music Award, singing on the Grand Ole' Opry, singing for both Presidents Clinton and Bush. So many things I've been lucky enough to do.

Portrait Magazine: Worst moments in career?

Billy: Probably like any singer, forgetting the words on live TV.

Portrait Magazine: How did you get signed?

Billy: I was 8 when I met my vocal coach, who is now my manager, Angela Bacari. She sent a demo to a great country group called "Asleep At The Wheel" and they introduced me to Sony Music and at that time my old management firm.

Portrait Magazine: What's your advice to all the budding artists out there?

Billy: If it is what you truly love to do, then go for it!

Portrait Magazine: Why should people be encouraged to listen to your music?

Billy: Well, I don't think people should be encouraged to do anything they don't feel is right but if they like fun, clean music that really is rockin then I think they would like my newest record "Billy Gilman."

Portrait Magazine: Who are your role models and why?

Billy: I have too many. Anyone from Hank Williams to Tony Bennett make up who I am today. My parents I look up to, as well as Angela.

Portrait Magazine: What are your passions/concerns for the world?

Billy: My concerns for this world is keeping old morals alive. You examine how life was 30 years ago even 20 years ago and it was much less immoral as it is today. Another thing that I think scares people is the technology. Although great uselful things come from technology, technology is also the downfall to America as well and the world. Things that have happened over and over again (over the course of the last couple thousand years, wars, etc.) are being so much more brutal with the help of advanced technology. I hope this world instills the true hope of a better more peceful world with God because in the end, it is he who has control over the world in its entirety.

Portrait Magazine: Describe yourself in 3 words.

Billy: I always say this...I'm driven, focused and fun.

Portrait Magazine: Who are the coolest people you've met?

Billy: Too many. Aerosmith were awesome people. Ray Charles was an honor to meet.

Portrait Magazine: If you could do anything for one day, what would it be?

Billy: I would like to be invisible in the white house during the meetings and the conferences and see what really goes on behind closed doors. See the decision making behind all this confusion lately.

Portrait Magazine: If you could change something about your life, what would it be?

Billy: I don't know, I have really never thought about changing something. It would be cool if I could go into town or somewhere and not be stared at but thats part of it all i guess. So I don't think I would change anything...so far!

Portrait Magazine: How does it feel to be a role model?

Billy: It's tough because as you grow older that image may shift, but all in all its honoring to think people look up to me in that light.

Portrait Magazine: Do you answer your fanmail?

Billy: When I have the time! Whenever I do I try to really devote enough time so I can respond to as many as I can.

Portrait Magazine: Tell me a random fact about you.

Billy: I like to cook...The ladies love it when I cook!

Portrait Magazine: What's the nicest thing a fan has ever said to you?

Billy: I think the nicest thing might be when someone writes to you or comes up to you and says, "You're song helped me when my mom passed away or my dad passed away." When it touches them enough to help them cope and find inner peace, it really inspires me to keep findind material that does that again and again.

Portrait Magazine: What do you look for in a girl?

Billy: Would it be shallow if I said good looks? but she has to be fun and be musical maybe to help me and input on what she doesnt like with my music or what she loves. Great smile, and all around go with the flow girl.

Portrait Magazine: Describe your perfect day.

Billy: No phone calls, no television, computers, and have it with friends, at the beach.

Portrait Magazine: How can people contact you?

Billy: They can contact me through my website www.billygilman.com. Thank you for your interest in my career!


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