
Hey Everyone :

After reading some quotes from the latest interview that was published dealing with my career in RI Monthly magazine, I have found that some things in the artice are continually popping up. Misquotes actually. One in particular was when I was quoted as saying, "Country was my passion, but it doesn't click for me anymore." That is not what I said. I do not nor have I ever felt that way about Country Music.The interviewer was great, but apparently misunderstood what I was saying. We finally have been attracting interest in some great companies again, why would I jeopardize that?

Country Music is my passion and is first and foremost the music that I love listening to and performing. I have been receiving some backlash from that misquote and all I can say is that I'm sorry to have gotten some people nervous. Don't worry. This happens to many artists, many times. We just have to move on from it.

Thanks for your concern but again, Country is what I've grown up listening to, and though many artists (including myself) have many different styles they like listening to, they recognize what their heart feels the most and what the fans respond to the most. You and the Country Music industry have been very supportive of my coming back into the limelight again. Thank You to the fans and the Country Music industry.

'Fan Fair' looks like it's going be the best one yet. Can't wait to see some of you there!

Peace Everyone,


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